Content magazine «Bulletin of criminalistics. 2017. № 1-2 (61-62).»
Mukhin G.N., Isyutin-Fedotkov D.V.
Criminalistic ethology – theory of criminal behavior // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 7-18.
The definitions of the subject, the possibility of using criminal law and the problems of the emergence of forensic ethology are considered. Special ethological knowledge can be used to identify the connection between the signs of criminal behavior and psychosomatic symptoms, the development of a version of the possible mental anomalies of an unidentified criminal. The discussion questions of this new scientific trend do not affect the understanding of its cognitive essence, which consists in studying the laws of using the achievements of natural sciences in the disclosure and investigation of crimes.
ethology; Forensic ethology; System of forensic ethology; Forensic anthropology; Criminal behavior; Deviant criminal behavior; Use of the data of the natural sciences in the disclosure and investigation of crimes
Negative factors of interest of the investigator in the criminal case by the court in a special order (chapter 40 of the code of criminal procedure): formulation and solutions of problems // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 19-29.
The article draws attention to the negative factors of the investigator's interest in the consideration of the criminal case by the court in a special order, the conditions that determine them are considered. On the basis of the long-term study of the practice of applying the norms of Ch. 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the authors formulate the main directions for creating forensic recommendations on the most appropriate use during the preliminary investigation of the rules on the special procedure for the trial, the availability and use of which in practical activities allows minimizing the identified negative factors and improving the quality of criminal proceedings.
special procedure, the investigator, the investigator, the court
Criminal profiling as a technology of investigation of crimes // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 30-44.
The author examines profiling as a set of measures of diagnostic "mapping" and understanding of the circumstances of the crime and security threats in different types of situations. Types and elements of profiling are analyzed.
judicial-psychological examination, profiling, method of judicial examination
Methods of investigation of crimes connected with illegal actions with narcotics // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 45-52.
The article analyzes the crimes associated with illegal actions with drugs and psychotropic substances, considers the types of subjects and means of committing crimes. Thus, the author represents the criminalistic structure of crimes of this type.
criminalistic structure of crimes, crimes connected with illegal actions with drugs and psychotropic substances
Prospects of the symbiotic application of traditional (classical) and modern expert-criminalistic methods and means // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 53-56.
The authors analyze the possibilities of the symbiotic application of traditional and modern forensic methods and tools based on the work of the employees of the Federal Service for Control over Drug Trafficking during the Olympics-2014.
Methods and treasures used for transfer to corrective institutions and remand prison of prohibited objects and substances // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 57-63.
Based on the analysis of practice, the author identifies and considers in the article the ways of transfer of prohibited items and substances in these institutions.
methods of transfer of prohibited objects and substances, correctional institution, remand prison
The question of the methods of delivery of drugs in detention centres and correctional institutions of the federal penitentiary service of Russia // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 64-70.
The authors analyze the causes and methods of drug delivery to the detention centers and correctional institutions of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia. As well as subjects who commit these crimes. The authors concludes that the measures to combat illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in detention and correctional facilities.
narcotic drugs, illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, delivery of drugs on the regime territory of remand centers and correctional institutions
To the question of accountability in identifying hazardous substances that have a negative impact on life and health // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 71-75.
The article analyzes the issues of responsibility for violation of environmental legislation, as well as measures for the protection of atmospheric air such as environmental certification of technological installations, engines, vehicles, confirming their compliance with the requirements of atmospheric air protection.
environmental pollution, measures for air protection, responsibility
Criminological characteristics of offender in the system of prevention of drug-related crime // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 76-79.
The article investigates the criminological features of the criminal's personality in combination with the special features inherent in drug offenders, based on the socio-demographic and legal grounds.
criminological features of the criminal's personality, crimes related to drug trafficking
Causes and conditions of neglect behavior in the production of preliminary investigation in inquiry form // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 80-85.
On the basis of statistical data, the author analyzes the state of law and service discipline among the personnel of offices, departments and institutions of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia. Investigating the reasons for the negligent behavior of the employee of the officeof inquiry in the production of preliminary investigation in the form of inquiry, the author concludes that the negative trends are increasing.
negligence, causes of negligent behavior, employee of the body of inquiry
Forgery of prescriptions for narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances: legal, organizational and tactical aspects // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 86-93.
The author considers the types of forgery, analyzes the ways of studying the document in order to establish the signs of forgery. The author concludes that it is necessary to follow the tactically justified algorithm of checking the recipe for signs of material and intellectual forgery.
prescription for narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, forgery, types of forgery
The role of trass-substitutions in proof for anti-criminal cases on the facts of illegal trafficking of controlled substances // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 94-97.
Based on the doctrine of essence and graded species division of objective sources of anti-criminal information, the author investigates the criminalistic nature and graded species division of objective sources of antidelect information. As a conclusion, the structural components of the term " antidelect traces" are distinguished.
Problems of proof in criminal cases on illegal turnover of analogues of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 99-102.
The article deals with the issues arising in the implementation of the process of proof in the investigation of crimes in the field of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues.
drugs, evidence, illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues
Prevention of crimes in the sphere of illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs as mineral as a priority direction of prevention // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 103-109.
The author investigates the issues of crime prevention in the sphere of illegal drug trafficking among minors, pays attention to the categories of families, parents whose children are more exposed to drug threats than others. As a conclusion, the author defines the main measures to protect minors from the drug threat.
crimes of minors, drug threat, measures of protection of minors
Peculiarities of interrogation of suspect (accused) in the investigation of crimes connected with illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 110-116.
On the basis of the legislation and practice of the Republic of Belarus, the authors analyze the problems associated with the interrogation of the suspect (accused) in the investigation of crimes related to illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors. The authors reveal the elements of interrogation and offer recommendations for their implementation.
interrogation of the accused, investigation of crimes, illegal trafficking of drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors
The concept of signs of impeding the investigation crimes related to trafficking narcotic drugs, psychotropic, poisonous substances // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 118-120.
The author analyzes the opinions of scientists, examines the signs of counteraction to the investigation, paying special attention to the signs of counteraction to the investigation of crimes related to drugs, psychotropic, potent, toxic substances.
signs of crime, crimes related to illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic, potent and toxic substances
Problems of counteraction of illegal trade in drugs in the russian federation in the aspect of globalization criminal activities // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 121-124.
The author considers the problems of countering illegal drug trafficking in the Russian Federation in the context of the globalization of criminal activity on examples from practice.
The autologous examination: new tasks and possibilitiesof application in criminal cases related to drug trafficking // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 125-133.
The article examines the autologous examination, its tasks and possibilities of application in criminal cases related to drug trafficking. The issues related to the training of experts in these types of expertise are raised, identification and diagnostic issues are considered, which are solved within the framework of the autologous examination and the conclusion is made about the need to form a comprehensive training program, with the inclusion of criminalistic, linguistic and expert components and the training of experts in the field of "judicial examination" with the possibility of a more narrow specialization.
the autologous examination, identification and diagnostic issues, training of experts for the autologous examination
Problematic aspects of the preparation of the forensic psychiatric examinations in criminal cases // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 134-141.
Quite often, forensic psychiatric examinations are appointed in criminal proceedings. There are many questions and problems related to the preparation for the forensic psychiatric examination. The author analyzes the most common difficulties faced by the investigator in the appointment of such examination.
forensic psychiatric examination, expert, collecting materials of criminal case for examination
Historical and current status of expert on photo identification and video // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 142-151.
This paper presents a brief history of the individual identification photo and video images. The current state of expert identification on the basis of appearance. Illustrates the possibility of a comparative study of methods.
history, current state portrait of examination, identification
DNA dactyloscopy as an identification suspected/accused at concealment of the personal information by it // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 152-159.
Need of development of modern methodology of the identification which is suspected/accused of criminal trial is dictated by requirements of search, investigative and expert practice, and also requirements of courts about investigation improvement of quality. During pre-judicial production the staff of investigative and operational divisions often meets difficulties in receiving and procedural fixing of legally significant data containing personal information about the persons, suspects accused of commission of crimes. It is necessary to carry a surname, a name, a middle name and date of birth to such data.One of the directions of improvement of institute of the identification which is suspected/accused of criminal trial is improvement existing and introduction of new technologies of criminalistic DNA dactyloscopy.
identification, personal data, the suspect accused, criminal trial, dactyloscopic registration, fingerprints, DNA dactyloscopy
Detection of invisible traces of blood with the use of hyperspectral analysis and chemometric: foreign experience // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 160-168.
In article the author describes the modern methods of the hyper spectral analysis and a hemometrika used for identification of invisible traces of blood. The conclusion about need of introduction of new methods in domestic practice of investigation of crimes is drawn. The data of foreign experiment testifying to rationality of modern methods for detection of invisible traces of blood on a black background are provided.
The use of holographic methods for investigation of criminalistic objects // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 169-175.
The article studies the methods of holographic interferometry. The author pays special attention to the analysis of the methods of double exposure, real time, time-averaged and strobe-holographic. As a conclusion, the author determines the optimal possibilities of using a particular method.
expert, expert research methods, holographic interferometry methods, double exposure method, real-time method, time averaging method and strobogolographic method
Normative regulation of the grounds for the mandatory appointment of court examination in the criminal process // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 176-181.
Despite the fact that the Code of criminal procedure defines a number of grounds for the mandatory appointment of forensic examination, it is impossible to consider their list complete. The author analyzes the procedural law and concludes that in order to unify the regulatory of appointment and manufacture of judicial examination should be fixed in the procedural codes generalized grounds for the mandatory appointment of judicial examination.
proceedings, judicial examination, the mandatory appointment of judicial examination
The use of graphical methods and indicators of weight in proving // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 182-190.
The article investigates graphical methods of proof, among which the author distinguishes the Wigmore diagram, the model of analysis of rationality of arguments and their visual representation, verbal scales. The author pays special attention to the analysis of the graphical method of proof formulated by A. A. Eysman. The author concludes that it is necessary to introduce these methods widely.
graphical methods of proof, research method, process of proof
Concept of doping and some aspects of proof of violation by athletes of anti-doping rules // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 191-199.
The author analyzes the terminology in the field of application of anti-doping rules in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code. Reflecting on the ways of forming the anti-doping list, the author concludes that there are no unambiguously formulated norms allowing to control the use of doping and determine the criteria for the formation of a list of substances prohibited in sports.
About the criminalistic methodology of investigation and return of stolen assets in corruption-related crimes // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P.200-205.
The article examines the creation of forensic techniques of tracing, identification, seizure and return of stolen assets under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation for corruption crimes.
Specific circumstances to be determined and proving and typical versions of criminal cases on corruption crimes in higher education // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P.206-212.
In the article, the author, based on the analysis of data on criminal corruption in higher education institutions, comes to the conclusion that investigators and operational staff must overcome the negative practice of identifying and investigating mainly "domestic" and "grass-roots" corruption crimes in higher education institutions, not quite correct growth of indicators of struggle against them at the expense of revealing of set of attempts at giving small bribes, to use thus a principle of "priority of struggle against the is organized-corrupted criminal activity". To implement this principle at the level of law enforcement, the author suggests a set of tools for forensic support.
corruption crimes in higher educational institutions, forensic methodology, circumstances to be established and proved, forensic versions
Rules on the investigation of crimes. Part I. About the preliminary investigation. Chapter I. About the reasons for the investigation // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 211-228.
Extract from the book of E. Kolokolov “Rules on the investigation of crimes”
The VI International scientific and practical conference "Theory and practice of forensic examination in modern conditions", dedicated to the memory of Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Dr. Sciences (Law), Professor Yuri Kuzmich Orlov // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 229-232.
Overview of the VI International scientific and practical conference "Theory and practice of forensic examination in modern conditions", dedicated to the memory of honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Dr. Sciences (Law), Professor Yuri Kuzmich Orlov.
The All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Special economic knowledge in legal proceedings" // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P.233-234.
Overview of the all-Russian conference with international participation "Special economic knowledge in legal proceedings".
The International scientific and practical conference
Overview of the international scientific and practical conference "Forensic psychological examination and complex judicial research of video recordings".
The I International Forum “Theory and Practice of Forensic Examination: International Experience, Problems, Prospects”, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the university’s foundation // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 241-243.
Overview of the I International Forum "Theory and practice of forensic examination: international experience, problems and prospects".
Content magazine «Bulletin of criminalistics. 2017. № 1-2 (61-62).»
Criminalistic ethology – theory of criminal behavior // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 7-18.
The definitions of the subject, the possibility of using criminal law and the problems of the emergence of forensic ethology are considered. Special ethological knowledge can be used to identify the connection between the signs of criminal behavior and psychosomatic symptoms, the development of a version of the possible mental anomalies of an unidentified criminal. The discussion questions of this new scientific trend do not affect the understanding of its cognitive essence, which consists in studying the laws of using the achievements of natural sciences in the disclosure and investigation of crimes.
Negative factors of interest of the investigator in the criminal case by the court in a special order (chapter 40 of the code of criminal procedure): formulation and solutions of problems // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 19-29.
The article draws attention to the negative factors of the investigator's interest in the consideration of the criminal case by the court in a special order, the conditions that determine them are considered. On the basis of the long-term study of the practice of applying the norms of Ch. 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the authors formulate the main directions for creating forensic recommendations on the most appropriate use during the preliminary investigation of the rules on the special procedure for the trial, the availability and use of which in practical activities allows minimizing the identified negative factors and improving the quality of criminal proceedings.
Criminal profiling as a technology of investigation of crimes // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 30-44.
The author examines profiling as a set of measures of diagnostic "mapping" and understanding of the circumstances of the crime and security threats in different types of situations. Types and elements of profiling are analyzed.
Methods of investigation of crimes connected with illegal actions with narcotics // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 45-52.
The article analyzes the crimes associated with illegal actions with drugs and psychotropic substances, considers the types of subjects and means of committing crimes. Thus, the author represents the criminalistic structure of crimes of this type.
Prospects of the symbiotic application of traditional (classical) and modern expert-criminalistic methods and means // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 53-56.
The authors analyze the possibilities of the symbiotic application of traditional and modern forensic methods and tools based on the work of the employees of the Federal Service for Control over Drug Trafficking during the Olympics-2014.
Methods and treasures used for transfer to corrective institutions and remand prison of prohibited objects and substances // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 57-63.
Based on the analysis of practice, the author identifies and considers in the article the ways of transfer of prohibited items and substances in these institutions.
The question of the methods of delivery of drugs in detention centres and correctional institutions of the federal penitentiary service of Russia // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 64-70.
The authors analyze the causes and methods of drug delivery to the detention centers and correctional institutions of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia. As well as subjects who commit these crimes. The authors concludes that the measures to combat illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in detention and correctional facilities.
To the question of accountability in identifying hazardous substances that have a negative impact on life and health // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 71-75.
The article analyzes the issues of responsibility for violation of environmental legislation, as well as measures for the protection of atmospheric air such as environmental certification of technological installations, engines, vehicles, confirming their compliance with the requirements of atmospheric air protection.
Criminological characteristics of offender in the system of prevention of drug-related crime // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 76-79.
The article investigates the criminological features of the criminal's personality in combination with the special features inherent in drug offenders, based on the socio-demographic and legal grounds.
Causes and conditions of neglect behavior in the production of preliminary investigation in inquiry form // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 80-85.
On the basis of statistical data, the author analyzes the state of law and service discipline among the personnel of offices, departments and institutions of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia. Investigating the reasons for the negligent behavior of the employee of the officeof inquiry in the production of preliminary investigation in the form of inquiry, the author concludes that the negative trends are increasing.
Forgery of prescriptions for narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances: legal, organizational and tactical aspects // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 86-93.
The author considers the types of forgery, analyzes the ways of studying the document in order to establish the signs of forgery. The author concludes that it is necessary to follow the tactically justified algorithm of checking the recipe for signs of material and intellectual forgery.
The role of trass-substitutions in proof for anti-criminal cases on the facts of illegal trafficking of controlled substances // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 94-97.
Based on the doctrine of essence and graded species division of objective sources of anti-criminal information, the author investigates the criminalistic nature and graded species division of objective sources of antidelect information. As a conclusion, the structural components of the term " antidelect traces" are distinguished.
Problems of proof in criminal cases on illegal turnover of analogues of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 99-102.
The article deals with the issues arising in the implementation of the process of proof in the investigation of crimes in the field of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues.
Prevention of crimes in the sphere of illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs as mineral as a priority direction of prevention // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 103-109.
The author investigates the issues of crime prevention in the sphere of illegal drug trafficking among minors, pays attention to the categories of families, parents whose children are more exposed to drug threats than others. As a conclusion, the author defines the main measures to protect minors from the drug threat.
Peculiarities of interrogation of suspect (accused) in the investigation of crimes connected with illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 110-116.
On the basis of the legislation and practice of the Republic of Belarus, the authors analyze the problems associated with the interrogation of the suspect (accused) in the investigation of crimes related to illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors. The authors reveal the elements of interrogation and offer recommendations for their implementation.
The concept of signs of impeding the investigation crimes related to trafficking narcotic drugs, psychotropic, poisonous substances // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 118-120.
The author analyzes the opinions of scientists, examines the signs of counteraction to the investigation, paying special attention to the signs of counteraction to the investigation of crimes related to drugs, psychotropic, potent, toxic substances.
Problems of counteraction of illegal trade in drugs in the russian federation in the aspect of globalization criminal activities // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 121-124.
The author considers the problems of countering illegal drug trafficking in the Russian Federation in the context of the globalization of criminal activity on examples from practice.
The autologous examination: new tasks and possibilitiesof application in criminal cases related to drug trafficking // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 125-133.
The article examines the autologous examination, its tasks and possibilities of application in criminal cases related to drug trafficking. The issues related to the training of experts in these types of expertise are raised, identification and diagnostic issues are considered, which are solved within the framework of the autologous examination and the conclusion is made about the need to form a comprehensive training program, with the inclusion of criminalistic, linguistic and expert components and the training of experts in the field of "judicial examination" with the possibility of a more narrow specialization.
Problematic aspects of the preparation of the forensic psychiatric examinations in criminal cases // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 134-141.
Quite often, forensic psychiatric examinations are appointed in criminal proceedings. There are many questions and problems related to the preparation for the forensic psychiatric examination. The author analyzes the most common difficulties faced by the investigator in the appointment of such examination.
Historical and current status of expert on photo identification and video // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 142-151.
This paper presents a brief history of the individual identification photo and video images. The current state of expert identification on the basis of appearance. Illustrates the possibility of a comparative study of methods.
DNA dactyloscopy as an identification suspected/accused at concealment of the personal information by it // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 152-159.
Need of development of modern methodology of the identification which is suspected/accused of criminal trial is dictated by requirements of search, investigative and expert practice, and also requirements of courts about investigation improvement of quality. During pre-judicial production the staff of investigative and operational divisions often meets difficulties in receiving and procedural fixing of legally significant data containing personal information about the persons, suspects accused of commission of crimes. It is necessary to carry a surname, a name, a middle name and date of birth to such data. One of the directions of improvement of institute of the identification which is suspected/accused of criminal trial is improvement existing and introduction of new technologies of criminalistic DNA dactyloscopy.
Detection of invisible traces of blood with the use of hyperspectral analysis and chemometric: foreign experience // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 160-168.
In article the author describes the modern methods of the hyper spectral analysis and a hemometrika used for identification of invisible traces of blood. The conclusion about need of introduction of new methods in domestic practice of investigation of crimes is drawn. The data of foreign experiment testifying to rationality of modern methods for detection of invisible traces of blood on a black background are provided.
The use of holographic methods for investigation of criminalistic objects // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 169-175.
The article studies the methods of holographic interferometry. The author pays special attention to the analysis of the methods of double exposure, real time, time-averaged and strobe-holographic. As a conclusion, the author determines the optimal possibilities of using a particular method.
Normative regulation of the grounds for the mandatory appointment of court examination in the criminal process // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 176-181.
Despite the fact that the Code of criminal procedure defines a number of grounds for the mandatory appointment of forensic examination, it is impossible to consider their list complete. The author analyzes the procedural law and concludes that in order to unify the regulatory of appointment and manufacture of judicial examination should be fixed in the procedural codes generalized grounds for the mandatory appointment of judicial examination.
The use of graphical methods and indicators of weight in proving // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 182-190.
The article investigates graphical methods of proof, among which the author distinguishes the Wigmore diagram, the model of analysis of rationality of arguments and their visual representation, verbal scales. The author pays special attention to the analysis of the graphical method of proof formulated by A. A. Eysman. The author concludes that it is necessary to introduce these methods widely.
Concept of doping and some aspects of proof of violation by athletes of anti-doping rules // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 191-199.
The author analyzes the terminology in the field of application of anti-doping rules in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code. Reflecting on the ways of forming the anti-doping list, the author concludes that there are no unambiguously formulated norms allowing to control the use of doping and determine the criteria for the formation of a list of substances prohibited in sports.
About the criminalistic methodology of investigation and return of stolen assets in corruption-related crimes // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P.200-205.
The article examines the creation of forensic techniques of tracing, identification, seizure and return of stolen assets under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation for corruption crimes.
Specific circumstances to be determined and proving and typical versions of criminal cases on corruption crimes in higher education // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P.206-212.
In the article, the author, based on the analysis of data on criminal corruption in higher education institutions, comes to the conclusion that investigators and operational staff must overcome the negative practice of identifying and investigating mainly "domestic" and "grass-roots" corruption crimes in higher education institutions, not quite correct growth of indicators of struggle against them at the expense of revealing of set of attempts at giving small bribes, to use thus a principle of "priority of struggle against the is organized-corrupted criminal activity". To implement this principle at the level of law enforcement, the author suggests a set of tools for forensic support.
Rules on the investigation of crimes. Part I. About the preliminary investigation. Chapter I. About the reasons for the investigation // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 211-228.
Extract from the book of E. Kolokolov “Rules on the investigation of crimes”
The VI International scientific and practical conference "Theory and practice of forensic examination in modern conditions", dedicated to the memory of Honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Dr. Sciences (Law), Professor Yuri Kuzmich Orlov // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 229-232.
Overview of the VI International scientific and practical conference "Theory and practice of forensic examination in modern conditions", dedicated to the memory of honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Dr. Sciences (Law), Professor Yuri Kuzmich Orlov.
The All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Special economic knowledge in legal proceedings" // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P.233-234.
Overview of the all-Russian conference with international participation "Special economic knowledge in legal proceedings".
The International scientific and practical conference
Overview of the international scientific and practical conference "Forensic psychological examination and complex judicial research of video recordings".
The Round tables in the framework of the V Legal Forum in Moscow // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P.239-240.
Overview of the round tables at the V Moscow legal forum.
The I International Forum “Theory and Practice of Forensic Examination: International Experience, Problems, Prospects”, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the university’s foundation // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 241-243.
Overview of the I International Forum "Theory and practice of forensic examination: international experience, problems and prospects".
95-th anniversary of famous Russian criminalist Alexander Abramovich Levy // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 244-245.
Essay in honor of the anniversary of Dr. Sciences (Law), Professor Alexander Abramovich Levy.
In memory of Alexander Sergeevich Podshibyakin // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 246-247.
Essay dedicated to the memory of Dr. Sciences (Law), Professor Alexander Sergeevich Podshibyakin.
In memory of Alexander Alekseevich Khmyrov // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 248-249.
Essay dedicated to the memory of Dr. Sciences (Law), Professor Alexander Alekseevich Khmyrov.
In memory of Tamara Alekseevna Sedova // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2017. — №1-2 (61-62). — P. 250-252.
Essay dedicated to the memory of Dr. Sciences (Law), Professor Tamara Alekseevna Sedova.