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Content magazine «Bulletin of criminalistics. 2016. № 3-4 (59-60)»

Khalikov A.N.

Forensic systematization of malfeasances // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 11-19.

 The necessity of forensic systematization of malfeasances based on the tasks of their identification, detection and investigation is substantiated. The system of malfeasances, divided into five groups: abuse of power; abuse of office; failure to perform official duties in a deliberate manner; failure to perform official duties in the form of negligence; the use of official power for the purpose of obtaining a direct financial benefit is given. Each group of crimes is characterized according to the manner they are conducted.

malfeasances; forensic systematization; forensic characteristics of a crime; crime investigation; modus operandi
Makarova S.V., Pronina E.Y.

During investigation in criminal cases related to drug trafficking // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.20-26.

 The authors raise topical issues related to the tactics of interrogation of certain categories of subjects - participants in the criminal process in cases of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs. Particular attention is paid to complex elements of interrogation of the suspect and the accused. The authors give recommendations to investigators when conducting interrogation, including formulating a range of questions that should be put before the suspect, accused, witness to achieve the objectives of the interrogation.

criminal trial, interrogation, stages of interrogation, suspect, accused, witness
Mironova G.I.

Features of tactics of interrogation proceedings in the investigation of criminal cases in the sphere of criminal trafficking in drugs // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 27-34.

 Improved methods of fighting against drug trafficking imply improved tactics of investigation in this category of cases. Tactics of interrogation has the specific features because of the specific nature of crimes and features of personality of the criminal

сrime, drugs, crime, tactics of interrogation
Safronov A. Yu.

Interrogation of suspect (accused) in cases of falsification of evidence and falsification of results of operatively-search activity // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.35-40.

 The article is devoted to the tactical techniques of interrogation of suspect (accused) in cases of falsification of evidence and falsification of results of operatively-search activity.

criminalistics, forensic tactics, tactics of interrogation, investigation of falsification of evidence and falsification of results of operatively-search activity
Buryko A., Kharatishvili A.

Problematic issues investigation examination of the scene of the explosion // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.41-47.

 The article considers the peculiarities of examination of the scene associated with criminal explosions and inspection of damaged people. 

scene survey, explosive device, explosive residue, forensic, specialist and investigator
Zemtcova S.I.

Tactical aspects of the production of the preparatory phase of the identification parade in the investigation of crimes related to illicit drug trafficking and psychotropic substances // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 48-60.

 The article deals with the basic elements of the preparatory phase of the production of the identification parade living persons for offenses related to trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Formulated tactical advice on the choice of the mode of production of the investigative action , place and time , as well as the use of knowledge of experts. Particular attention is given to the line of conduct of the investigator to neutralize possible opposition on the part of identifiable individuals.

presentation for identification, drugs, investigative action, the preparatory phase, interrogation of the identifying, countering
Zemtcova S.I.

Tactical aspects of the production of the preparatory phase of the identification parade in the investigation of crimes related to illicit drug trafficking and psychotropic substances // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 48-60.

 The article deals with the basic elements of the preparatory phase of the production of the identification parade living persons for offenses related to trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Formulated tactical advice on the choice of the mode of production of the investigative action , place and time , as well as the use of knowledge of experts. Particular attention is given to the line of conduct of the investigator to neutralize possible opposition on the part of identifiable individuals.

presentation for identification, drugs, investigative action, the preparatory phase, interrogation of the identifying, countering
Khmeleva A. V.

Features inspection of the scene of the explosion at stops public transport // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 61-67.

 The article deals with the preparation and conduct of the inspection of the explosion at the bus stops in the city. On the basis of generalization of practical experience are given guidelines on examination, the implementation of which should provide quality and effectiveness of the inspection. Raise issues of forensic examination software, knowledge and skills of experts and specialists.

inspection of the scene of the explosion, bomb, explosives, an investigator, a specialist, an expert, public transport, forensic technology
Mitrofanova A. A.

Forensic psychological examination on criminal cases about aviation accidents: essential issues // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 68-79.

 The article deals with some essential issues of appointment of forensic psychological examination during aviation accidents investigation. Particular attention is paid to the importance of taking into account the personal factor in discovering the causes of aviation accidents and disasters. It is noted that a forensic psychological examination of criminal cases of this category in order to identify the psychological and psychophysiological mechanisms of behavior of subjects, control air transport, can significantly increase the effectiveness of the investigation.

forensic psychological examination, aviation accident investigation, air crash, personal factor, human factor
Alieva G.A.

The criminalistic characteristic of bribery and commercial bribery in housing and communal services // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 80-89.

 The author of this article on the basis of the analysis of criminal cases of bribery and commercial bribery in the sphere of housing and communal services explores the elements an integral part of methods of investigation and criminalistic characteristics of crimes. Support the inclusion of bribery and commercial bribery committed in the sphere of housing and communal services, one group of crime due to the fact that all elements of the criminalistic characteristics of criminal acts except the identity of the criminal, are similar.

bribery, commercial bribery, crimes in housing and communal services, criminalistic characteristic, the identity of the offender, the decor, the location, the time of Commission of corruption crimes, the mechanism of a traces
San'kov V.I.

Checking the testimony on the spot: the current state, problems, ways to solve them (procedural and tactical aspects) // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 90-98.

 The article discusses the problematic issues associated with proceedings and criminalistic tactics the production of test evidence in place in today's domestic investigative practice and suggests possible solutions. 

criminalistic tactics, criminal procedure, verification of testimonies at the scene, tactical mistakes, the investigator
Glushkov M.R.

On the issue of falsification of video // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 99-107.

 The article outlines the key principles of modern digital video, shows the technical possibility of its editing, offers practical advice to enable them to be excluded.

video, falsification, video editing, video editor, raw-format, file container, codec, frame adjustments
Koval’chik M., Pruschkevich K.

The questioning of a suspect within the polish criminal process vis-à-vis compliance with human rights legislation // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.116-124.

 Interrogation of the suspect is a special type of information retrieval. He is distinguished by the double role of the suspect in the procedure - on the one hand, he / she is a passive subject in the process, as well as a personal source of evidence. On the other hand, he / she is a person who finds himself in a difficult situation because he / she has to deal with the cross-examination of the prosecutor in order to protect her interests. Each interrogation is carried out in specific, fixed procedural stages. Proper interrogation is a difficult task, requiring the presence of complex skills from the investigator. The end result of this activity should be the achievement of a consensus between the assumptions of the prosecutor and the point of view of the person being questioned.

interrogation, interrogation tactics, suspect, protection of rights and legitimate interests
Kuzmin S.V.

Experimental experiment: tactical receptions // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 125-145.

 In the article, the features of conducting an investigative experiment and the main problems of its implementation are considered: 1) the lack of a single conception of the criminalistic nature of the investigative experiment, which ultimately complicates the development of tactical techniques; 2) the lack of a unified concept of the tactical methods of the investigative experiment; a suitable classification of tactical techniques, 4) the lack of approaches that allow more efficiently to determine (choose) tactical methods. The author gives recommendations on the use of tactical techniques in conducting an investigative experiment.

tactical reception, investigative experiment, specialist, investigator
Salovа M.A.

Using the results of operatively-search activity in proving on criminal cases, in accordance with the requirements of the European court of human rights // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 146-151.

 The article deals with the legal and procedural problems of the use of results of operatively-search activity in proving on criminal cases in accordance with the requirements of the European Court of Human Rights as an example of the operational-search activities "test buy" held by authorities Federal Drug Control Service of Russia. The conclusion about the effectiveness of the law enforcement agencies of measures aimed at prevention and early identification of violations of the Russian Federation during this OSA.

operatively-search activity, verification purchase, proving in criminal cases
Smirnov V.P., Smirnova T.G.

Medical and legal criterion of concerning limited abilities of the subject to conscious and strong-willed behavior // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 152-157.

 The limited ability of the subject to realize or direct the actual character and public danger of the actions can be caused both psychopathological (painful), and psychological (age, personal) by factors. The account and differentiation of these factors are necessary for the correct legal assessment of behavior of the subject.

the comprehensive forensic psychological and psychiatric examination, medical and legal criterion of diminished responsibility, age-specific responsibility, inability to realize or to direct the actions
Samoshina Z.G., Krukova E.S.

Independent work of students in the course of studying the course of criminalistics // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.158-173.

 The article considers the significance of legal students independent work (which is a form of getting some new knowledge as well as the method of assimilation of already received information), while they are studying criminalistics. Some of attention is paid to teacher’s role in organization of this independence work; the author lists some possible options of this organization (such as role play, case study, debates).

jurisprudence, criminalistics, education, methods of teaching, independent work, legal student, forensic mind, role play, exercise, debate
Hmizs A.I.

Practical orientation of classes in scientific discipline 'criminology' as a factor of increasing the effectiveness of crimes disclosure and investigation // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 174-185.

 The article is devoted to the substantiation of practical orientation of classes in forensics and development of specific educational forms.

criminalistics, forensic technique, methods of teaching
Gulina E. V.

Methodological basis for development forensic methods of investigation corruption crimes in higher educational institutions // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 186-192.

 In the article the author, on the basis of the analysis of data on criminal corruption activity in higher education institutions and on the shortcomings in the practice of their identification and investigation, comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop an appropriate forensic methodology. The scientific problem is indicated - the need to adopt a certain methodological basis for the corresponding study. As such, it is argued and accepted the thesis that the developed methodology should be formed, first, on the basis and in addition to more general investigation techniques: corruption crimes and organized criminal activity; secondly, to be auxiliary to these methods, a reduced set of scientific provisions and applied recommendations.

criminalistic methods, corruption crimes in higher education institutions, methodological basis
Garmaev Yu.P.

How to set an example from practice in the text of scientific and other text work // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.193-198.

 The article gives a brief algorithm for presenting examples from investigative and judicial practice in the text of written scientific work with the aim of forming a high-quality and popular scientific work.

example from investigative and judicial practice, scientific work, algorithm, analysis
Bychkov V.V.

The International scientific-practical conference "The ratio of national and international law to counter nationalism, fascism and other extremist crimes" dedicated to the outstanding Russian scientist N. S. Alekseev // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 199-201.

 Overview of the International Scientific and Practical Conference " The ratio of national and international law to counter nationalism, fascism and other extremist crimes"

conference, review
Rossinskaya E.R.

The International scientific and practical conference "Problems of classification of forensic examinations, certification and validation of methodological support, standardization of forensic activities" // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.202-204.

 Overview of the International scientific and practical conference "Problems of classification of forensic examinations, certification and validation of methodological support, standardization of forensic activities"

conference, review
Khmeleva V. A.

The International scientific and practical conference at the Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation "Forensic support of crime investigation" dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Professor I. F. Krylov // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.205-210.

 Overview of the International scientific and practical conference at the Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation "Forensic support of crime investigation" dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Professor I. F. Krylov.

conference, review
Chubina E. A.

The International scientific and practical conference "Expertise against corruption" // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.211-213.

 Overview of the International scientific and practical conference "Expertise against corruption"

conference, review

The III International scientific and practical conference "Forensic expertise: Russian and international experience" // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.214-217.

 Overview of the III International scientific and practical conference "Forensic expertise: Russian and international experience"

conference, review
Mikhailov, M. A, Garmaev Yu. P.

The IV International scientific and practical conference "Criminal proceedings: procedural theory and criminalistic practice" // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.218-223.

 Overview of the IV International scientific and practical conference "Criminal proceedings: procedural theory and criminalistic practice".

conference, review
Malewski G., Matulene S.

The International festival of criminalistics at Warsaw University // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.224-231.

 Overview of the International festival of criminalistics at Warsaw University.

conference, review
Paramonova L.F.

The International scientific and practical conference "East-West": partnership in forensic examination. Actual issues of theory and practice of forensic examination" // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P. 232-234.

 Overview of the International scientific and practical conference "East-West": partnership in forensic examination. Actual issues of theory and practice of forensic examination".

conference, review
Ivanova E.V.

The International scientific and practical conference / Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.235-236.

 Overview of the International scientific and practical conference "Topical issues of combating illicit trafficking in controlled substances: theory and practice".

conference, review
Bertovsky L.V.

Professor Samples: the way to the heights of professional skill // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.237-241.

Essay about the Dr. Sciences (Law), Professor Viktor Aleksandrovich Obraztsov.


hero of the day, scientist, V.A. Obraztsov
Uvarov V.N.

Professor Ischenko — a forensic scientist and good friend // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.242-244.

 Essay about Dr. Science (Law), Professor Evgeniy Petrovich Ischenko.

hero of the day, scientist, E.P. Ishchenko
Shmatov MA, Velikorodniy PG, Yurin V.M.

Talented forensic scientist // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.245-248.

 Essay about the Dr. Sciences (Law), Professor Alexander Fedorovich Lubin

hero of the day, scientist, A.F.Lubin

In memory of Zoya Georgievna Samoshina // Bulletin of Criminalistics. — 2016. — № 3-4 (59-60). — P.249-250.

 An article in memory of an associate professor of the Department of Criminalistics of the Law Faculty of Moscow State University, Candidate of Law, Honored Worker of Higher Education, Honored Teacher of Moscow State University, Member of the Council of Veterans of the Law Faculty.

memory of scientists, Z.G. Samoshina

Journal «Bulletin of Criminalistics»


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