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Content magazine «Bulletin of criminalistics. 2018. № 1.»

Rossinskaya E. R.

To the issue of new genera and species of judicial examinations and expertise outside of the item's state judicial expert institutions // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P.5-10.

 The article analyzes the problems arising in the production of types of judicial examinations for which there are no approved educational programs of training of forensic experts. The author forms proposals to optimize the production of the above types of judicial examinations.

judicial examination, training of judicial experts, atypical expert tasks, objects of expert research
Mayorova E.I.

Chapter 26 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as the substantiation of the problems of judicial-ecological examination // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P. 11-17.

 In the article features of forensic-ecological examination, expert tasks, solved at its manufacture and specific objects of the given kind of examinations are considered. The author concludes that forensic environmental examination is a diagnostic or situational study, the object of which is a system of elements, including not only the biological component and reflecting the whole event as a whole.

judicial-ecological examination, expert tasks, objects of judicial-ecological examination
Samishchenko S.S.

History and perspectives of the predictive study of papillary pattern combinations on the remote falanges of the fingers of hands // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P. 18-25.

 The author, based on a retrospective analysis, examines combinations of papillary patterns on the distal phalanges of the fingers, analyzes the term fingerprint formula, and also examines the purposes for which the diagnosis and prediction of the study of fingerprint formulas are used.

dactyloscopic formula, dactocard, study of papillary finger patterns
Zinin A.M.

Preliminary research, their kinds, normative-legal regulation // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P. 26-30.

 The article analyzes the "preliminary research" of the specialist: their content, the specifics of the registration of results and the possibilities for securing preliminary investigation. The author concludes that it is necessary to take into account the types, organizational aspects and essence of preliminary studies for effective use in the investigation.

specialist, preliminary research, procedural and non-procedural forms of using special knowledge
Ivanova E.V.

Subject, object, tasks of judicial examination of substances, materials and products // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P.31-37.

 In the article, based on the analysis of the opinions of scientists, the main provisions concerning the subject, types of objects and tasks, as well as a variety of studies combined within the class of forensic examinations of substances, materials and products are explored.

judicial examination of substances, materials and products, subject of examination, object of examination, examination tasks
Lazareva L. V.

Evaluation of expert opinion in criminal cases // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P. 38-44.

 The author considers the features of evaluation of expert opinion in criminal proceedings. Various opportunities used in the evaluation of the expert opinion, including the involvement of a specialist, are analyzed.

expert opinion, evaluation of expert opinion, expert, specialist
Packevich A.P.

Problems of the forensic activities legal support in the Belarus Republic // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P.45-52.

 The article deals with the questions of organization and realization of forensic examination activities, framework activities of the forensic examination State Committee of the Belarus Republic. There are proposals to improve the legal support of forensic examinations, which are directed to improve the effectiveness anticrime fight, as well as to provide the protection of rights and legitimate interests of the criminal, civil, administrative processes participants.

forensic examination, forensic activities, regulation, concepts
Dyakonova O.G.

Some issues of legal regulation of the criminal liability of the expert // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P. 53-61.

 The author considers the problematic issues of criminal liability legal regulation of the expert and makes suggestions for improving the legislation.

expert, liability, legal proceedings
Rostovcev A.V., Berestenko E.D.

The features of the detection and investigation of criminal explosion // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P. 62-66.

 The article discusses the methodological features of the use of forensic tools and methods during the inspection of the scene of the explosion.

explosion, inspection, investigation
Gazizov V. A., Podvolockij I. N.

Digital or electronic portraits as objects of expert research // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P. 67-72.

 The authors describe the objects of portrait information, consider the concepts of "information carrier", "electronic portrait", " electronic portrait carrier". 

portrait, forensic examination, objects of expert research
Panfilova Z.Yu.

Olfactory forensic examination in the investigation of particularly serious crimes against the person committed in non-obviousness // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P. 73-78.

 The article discusses the effectiveness of the use of the examination olfactory traces results in the process of proof in cases concerning especially grave crimes against person committed in non-obviousness.

odor traces, olfactory examination, proof, crimes against the person
Chesnokova E. V.

Expert mistakes made on forensic examination of the vehicles markings // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P. 79-82.

 The author proposes a characterization of the technical and methodical errors made during the forensic examination of vehicle markings.

forensic examination, errors, marking, means of transport
Kosolapova N.A.

Adversarial in the process of crimes investigation of through the use of forensic methods and tools // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P. 83-88.

 The author considers the criminalistic adversarial system as a system of techniques, methods and means of obtaining information in the process of practical activity of the subjects of proof to achieve the goals of pre-trial proceedings and ensure the appointment of criminal proceedings in general.

adversarial, proof, method
Avtsinova E. S.

The video image of the person appearance used in the individual recognition: legal aspects // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P. 89-96.

 The author considers the problematic issues of normative regulation of video surveillance, justifies the legality of the introduction and use of video surveillance system for the identification of persons in criminal cases.

video surveillance, identification, proof
Zamahovsky A.M.

The video image of the person appearance used in the individual recognition: legal aspects // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P. 89-96.

 The author considers the problematic issues of normative regulation of video surveillance, justifies the legality of the introduction and use of video surveillance system for the identification of persons in criminal cases.

video surveillance, identification, proof

The International scientific-practical conference "Aubakirov’s readings" dedicated to the 82-th anniversary of the birthday of the Dr.Sci. (Law), Professor, Alexander Fidahmetovich Aubakirov (February 19, 2018) // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P.101-102.

 Overview of the International scientific-practical conference "Aubakirov’s readings" dedicated to the 82-th anniversary of the birthday of the Dr.Sci. (Law), Professor, Alexander Fidahmetovich Aubakirov

conference, review

The XXIV All-Russian round table "The use of the results of examinations in the disclosure and investigation of crimes" // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P.103-105.

 Overview of the XXIV All-Russian round table "The use of the results of examinations in the disclosure and investigation of crimes".

conference, review

The Round table with international participation "The Concept of non-state forensic activities in the development of Russian law" // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P.106-110.

 Overview of the Round table with international participation "Concept of non-state forensic activities in the development of Russian law".

conference, review

The IV International scientific and practical conference "Forensic expertise: Russian and international experience" 26-27 April 2018 // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P.111-114.

 Overview of the IV International scientific and practical conference "Forensic expertise: Russian and international experience". 

conference, review
Karyakin Ye. Rossinskiy S.

Memory of Antonina Petrovna Guskovoy - a known Russian judge, scientist and teacher // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — №1 (65). — P. 115-124.

 The authors analyze the life and the creative way of the Honored Russian lawyer, Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor Antonina P. Guskova. The authors review her main scientific achievements, dedicated to the theory, regulation and practice of implementation of the judiciary in the criminal process, judicial protection of rights and freedoms in criminal proceedings. Professor A.P. Guskova devoted her life to solving these problems.

Antonina Petrovna Guskova, court, judicial protection of individual rights judicial law, criminal proceedings

Journal «Bulletin of Criminalistics»


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