Content magazine «Bulletin of criminalistics. 2018. № 3»
Сataraga Olga, Petkovich Piotr
Problems of ensuring unity in the approach to solving some expert problems in the study of the same objects // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P.6-11.
In the article, the authors address the question of the need to unify judicial expertise, exemplifying the situations that may arise in case when the judicial experts differently solve similar cases. The paper contains examples from the practice of judicial expertise, through which the discussed issue is easily understood. Situations are exposed by comparative analysis, taking into account the practice of different countries. At the same time, solutions are indicated in this respect.
Optimization of formation of expert methods as a necessary factor in the development of high-quality forensic examinationsт // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 12-21.
The article deals with the current state of methodological support of expert research of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and potent substances, including methods for the study of new psychoactive compounds. The author's opinion on the existing problems in this area, the main shortcomings of existing methods and suggestions to improve the quality of their content and validation. Particular attention is paid to the concept of "derivatives of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances", the calculation of the number of new psychoactive compounds, the need for a unified approach to the formation of expert techniques and the creation of a system of terminological uniformity. Assessing the state of methodological support of forensic research, the author notes its significant shortcomings in terms of content, evaluation and application, which should be eliminated and improved in order to improve the quality of forensic research of new psychoactive compounds.
forensic examination, research methods, methodological support, drugs, new psychoactive compounds
Reorganization of the system of state forensic institutions: opportunities and prospects // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 22-37.
The problem of choosing an expert in legal proceedings is also connected with the choice of an expert organization. The state forensic organizations operating in Russia are included as structural elements - institutions - into one or another departmental system, which does not allow characterizing experts who carry out expert research as independent and autonomy. The article deals with a question that periodically arises in scientific publications and is discussed at scientific conferences devoted to the need to create a single federal state agency that should unite all state judicial expert organizations of the country. The author attempts to answer this question by analyzing the opinions of scientists and the practice of the work of such state agency that exist in a number of countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). It is concluded that there is no need to create such state agency in Russia, since it will be quite difficult to characterize it as an organization that provides real independence and autonomy — the fundamental principles of the expert’s activities. The systems of expert institutions existing in Russia are historically determined, have considerable experience and prospects for improvement. The solution of the problems for which the authors propose the creation of a unified expert service should be sought in the creation of a unified scientific and methodological support, a verified system of validation and certification of expert methods, accreditation of expert organizations and certification of expert competence. These activities can become functions of an organization independent of government departments and public authorities, for example, the association of forensic experts or the federal chamber of forensic experts.
forensic expert activity, a single expert service, the system of state forensic institutions
Appointment and production of forensic genetic examination of carriers of dna information in civil proceedings // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 38-45.
The article analyzes the practice of applying the forensic genetic expertise results in civil proceedings. The highlights of the procedure for appointment of the examination, its capabilities, evaluation of the results obtained are covered.
forensic genetic examination, DNA analysis, civil procedure, probabilistic-statistical evaluation of DNA analysis results
Reflections on the problems of forensic didactics // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 46-56.
The article deals with the topical problems of forensic didactics, providing a historical analysis of its formation and development, justifies the importance of criminology in the modern Russian legal education, identified the main problems.
forensic didactics, modern Russian education, criminology and legal education
The legal basis for the use of forensic tools in the investigation of crimes // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 57-68.
The problem of legislative regulation of the use of scientific and technological progress in the investigation of crimes is considered. It is substantiated that it is expedient to analyze this problem in three directions: the establishment of the legal regulations for the use of technical and criminalistic, tactical and criminalistic and methodological and criminal means of countering criminality. The material is submitted subject to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. Proposals are scientifically grounded for improving the criminal procedural legislation and criminal procedure science.
criminalistic means, criminal process, collection of evidence, research of evidence, scientific and technical means, scientific and technical progress, investigation of crimes
Identification methods for unidentified corpses and their parts in polish forensic practice // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 69-79.
The NN identification of the body and human remains is a process aiming at establishing the dead identity of a person, of which body (fragments of the body) or remains were found in circumstances which don't let his personal details. It is process which multilevel character in which research methods are being used from many fields of judicial studies has so as the forensic medicine, anthropology, the forensic science and the court odontology. Largely of applied methods of the identification obtaining widely understood comparative material is essential.
Inaction of the employee of quick and investigation body, as one of ways of commission of falsification of results investigation and search operations // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 80-86.
In article on the basis of opinions of the leading scientists it is analyzed disputed issues of commission of falsification of results of investigation and search operations in the form of inaction. The author considers not only active actions of commission of this type of crime, but such way of commission of falsification of results of investigation and search operations as not submission of the quick and investigation documents fixing production of separate investigation and search operations.
inaction, way of crime, falsification, results of investigation and search operations, crime, quick employee, malfeasance, law enforcement agencies, falsification of proofs, subject of crime
Problem aspects of training of court experts on fingerprints in the USA // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 87-91.
In article the analysis of foreign experience, regarding training of court experts in the field of dactyloscopy is given. The attention to separate problem aspects of training of experts of the designated profile is paid. Importance of search of alternative ways of increase in expert qualification, based on the modern information technologies promoting optimization of educational training of experts in fingerprints is emphasized in the USA.
analysis; dactyloscopy; training of experts; professional development; modern approaches
Rules on the investigation of crimes. Part II. About the formal investigation Chapter III. About collecting evidence // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 95-98.
Extract from the book of E. Kolokolov “Rules on the investigation of crimes”.
E. Kolokolov, history of criminal proceedings, evidence
The International Scientific and Practical Conference
Overview of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Theory and Practice of Forensic Examination in the consideration of economic disputes and cases in Criminal, Civil, Arbitration and Administrative Judicial Proceedings"
The holiday of the greatest unselfishness // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P.114-118.
The article assesses the current state of forensic science, especially its development in the Siberian region, describes the contribution made to the formation of the Siberian scientific school of criminology by the Dr. Sci. (Law), Professor Diana Arkadyevna Stepanenko.
Content magazine «Bulletin of criminalistics. 2018. № 3»
Problems of ensuring unity in the approach to solving some expert problems in the study of the same objects // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P.6-11.
In the article, the authors address the question of the need to unify judicial expertise, exemplifying the situations that may arise in case when the judicial experts differently solve similar cases. The paper contains examples from the practice of judicial expertise, through which the discussed issue is easily understood. Situations are exposed by comparative analysis, taking into account the practice of different countries. At the same time, solutions are indicated in this respect.
Optimization of formation of expert methods as a necessary factor in the development of high-quality forensic examinationsт // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 12-21.
The article deals with the current state of methodological support of expert research of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and potent substances, including methods for the study of new psychoactive compounds. The author's opinion on the existing problems in this area, the main shortcomings of existing methods and suggestions to improve the quality of their content and validation. Particular attention is paid to the concept of "derivatives of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances", the calculation of the number of new psychoactive compounds, the need for a unified approach to the formation of expert techniques and the creation of a system of terminological uniformity. Assessing the state of methodological support of forensic research, the author notes its significant shortcomings in terms of content, evaluation and application, which should be eliminated and improved in order to improve the quality of forensic research of new psychoactive compounds.
Reorganization of the system of state forensic institutions: opportunities and prospects // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 22-37.
The problem of choosing an expert in legal proceedings is also connected with the choice of an expert organization. The state forensic organizations operating in Russia are included as structural elements - institutions - into one or another departmental system, which does not allow characterizing experts who carry out expert research as independent and autonomy. The article deals with a question that periodically arises in scientific publications and is discussed at scientific conferences devoted to the need to create a single federal state agency that should unite all state judicial expert organizations of the country. The author attempts to answer this question by analyzing the opinions of scientists and the practice of the work of such state agency that exist in a number of countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). It is concluded that there is no need to create such state agency in Russia, since it will be quite difficult to characterize it as an organization that provides real independence and autonomy — the fundamental principles of the expert’s activities. The systems of expert institutions existing in Russia are historically determined, have considerable experience and prospects for improvement. The solution of the problems for which the authors propose the creation of a unified expert service should be sought in the creation of a unified scientific and methodological support, a verified system of validation and certification of expert methods, accreditation of expert organizations and certification of expert competence. These activities can become functions of an organization independent of government departments and public authorities, for example, the association of forensic experts or the federal chamber of forensic experts.
Appointment and production of forensic genetic examination of carriers of dna information in civil proceedings // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 38-45.
The article analyzes the practice of applying the forensic genetic expertise results in civil proceedings. The highlights of the procedure for appointment of the examination, its capabilities, evaluation of the results obtained are covered.
Reflections on the problems of forensic didactics // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 46-56.
The article deals with the topical problems of forensic didactics, providing a historical analysis of its formation and development, justifies the importance of criminology in the modern Russian legal education, identified the main problems.
The legal basis for the use of forensic tools in the investigation of crimes // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 57-68.
The problem of legislative regulation of the use of scientific and technological progress in the investigation of crimes is considered. It is substantiated that it is expedient to analyze this problem in three directions: the establishment of the legal regulations for the use of technical and criminalistic, tactical and criminalistic and methodological and criminal means of countering criminality. The material is submitted subject to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. Proposals are scientifically grounded for improving the criminal procedural legislation and criminal procedure science.
Identification methods for unidentified corpses and their parts in polish forensic practice // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 69-79.
The NN identification of the body and human remains is a process aiming at establishing the dead identity of a person, of which body (fragments of the body) or remains were found in circumstances which don't let his personal details. It is process which multilevel character in which research methods are being used from many fields of judicial studies has so as the forensic medicine, anthropology, the forensic science and the court odontology. Largely of applied methods of the identification obtaining widely understood comparative material is essential.
Inaction of the employee of quick and investigation body, as one of ways of commission of falsification of results investigation and search operations // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 80-86.
In article on the basis of opinions of the leading scientists it is analyzed disputed issues of commission of falsification of results of investigation and search operations in the form of inaction. The author considers not only active actions of commission of this type of crime, but such way of commission of falsification of results of investigation and search operations as not submission of the quick and investigation documents fixing production of separate investigation and search operations.
Problem aspects of training of court experts on fingerprints in the USA // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 87-91.
In article the analysis of foreign experience, regarding training of court experts in the field of dactyloscopy is given. The attention to separate problem aspects of training of experts of the designated profile is paid. Importance of search of alternative ways of increase in expert qualification, based on the modern information technologies promoting optimization of educational training of experts in fingerprints is emphasized in the USA.
Rules on the investigation of crimes. Part II. About the formal investigation Chapter III. About collecting evidence // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P. 95-98.
Extract from the book of E. Kolokolov “Rules on the investigation of crimes”.
The International Scientific and Practical Conference
Overview of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Theory and Practice of Forensic Examination in the consideration of economic disputes and cases in Criminal, Civil, Arbitration and Administrative Judicial Proceedings"
The International scientific-practical conference
Overview of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The history and modernity of forensic education"
The holiday of the greatest unselfishness // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 3 (67). — P.114-118.
The article assesses the current state of forensic science, especially its development in the Siberian region, describes the contribution made to the formation of the Siberian scientific school of criminology by the Dr. Sci. (Law), Professor Diana Arkadyevna Stepanenko.