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Content magazine «Bulletin of criminalistics. 2018. № 4 »

Zemtsova S.I.

Methods of investigation of certain types of crimes: some theoretical questions // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 4 (68). — P. 6-20.

 On the basis of the analysis of a significant number of scientific sources in the field of the theory of forensic techniques, the article considers the issues related to the concept and classification of this Institute, some promising areas of its development (implementation of algorithmization and programming;  implementation of achievements in the field of investigation; solving problems of preventive orientation;  analysis of investigative errors; making mandatory some of the most important guidelines). The author's definition of criminalistic technique is formulated. It is emphasized that the implementation of the classification must necessarily take into account the data of criminal law and forensic nature.

criminalistic methodology, organization of the investigation, algorithmization, programming, crime prevention; investigation of the error, classification
Kislenko S.L.

Situational approach to the formation of criminalistic methods of maintaining public prosecution in criminal proceedings // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 4 (68). — P.21-30.

 The article deals with the theoretical issues of the formation of forensic technique of maintaining public prosecution. The author's vision of the process of building its content is given. The necessity of using an algorithmic approach in this process is substantiated. The connection of categories is analyzed: «situation», «solution», «algorithm». The issues of adaptation of forensic technique to typical situations of maintaining public prosecution are considered.

maintaining public prosecution, forensic technique, technique of maintaining public prosecution, forensic situation, solution, algorithm, adaptation process
Sokolova T.P.

Reflections on the problems of forensic didactics // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 4 (68). — P. 31-46.

 The article defines the procedural and non-procedural status of the naming examination as a new type of forensic linguistic examination, its subject, tasks, objects, typical issues. Based on the analysis of forensic practice, the capabilities of naming examination in protecting the rights of owners to the means of individualization and domain names are considered. Specific illustrative examples are used to substantiate the need to produce naming examination in order to establish the originality and uniqueness of a commercial name, including a multimodal name, in which the semantics of the verbal component is corrected by a nonverbal one. The possibilities of naming examination to identify linguistic signs of violation of the principles of humanity and morality, to identify the linguistic signs of similarity of commercial names (trademarks, service marks, brand names, commercial designations, domain names) in the aspect of “Ambush» marketing” at the level of semantics, phonetics, morphemics, graphics, as well as typical expert errors associated with the subject’s lack of expertise have been identified. The results of the study show that naming examination, on the one hand, is necessary to overcome subjectivity and lack of professionalism in evaluating nominative activities of entrepreneurs, to protect their right to freedom of verbal creativity, and on the other, to protect against unfair competition in the digital space.

naming examination, forensic linguistic examination, commercial names, multimodal name, means of individualization
Zhavoronkov V.A.

Databases, as elements of the system of information support for forensic examination of vehicle markings // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 4 (68). — P. 47-56.

 The article substantiates the need to create a system of information support for the examination of vehicle markings in forensic departments of internal affairs agencies. The author also reveals the structure and content of information of databases that are included in the information support system for this type of forensic examination.

information, information support, motor vehicles, research of marking of vehicles, search, processing, storage and issuance of information, identification number.
Zamahovskiy A.M.

About some issues for the appointment and conduct of judicial examination // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 4 (68). — P. 57-61.

 The article analyzes the issues of appointment and conduct of forensic examination. The concept of «expert» and its features are revealed. The author raises some problematic issues of the theory and practice of forensic examination, reveals the ways to solve them. The question of qualification and competence of the expert is analyzed.

forensic examination, special knowledge, competence of an expert
Zhuravleva O. S.

About the mistakes made by bodies of preliminary investigation (inquiry) at appointment of examinations of drugs, psychotropic and strong substances // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 4 (68). — P. 62-67.

 The article deals with typical errors in the decision on the appointment of expertise of narcotic drugs, psychotropic and potent substances. Also types of the questions taken out on the decision in this examination understand.

the resolution, forensics, narcotics, psychotropic substances, investigator error, the error of the inquirer
Ivanova E. V.

The use of special knowledge in operational-investigative activity // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 4 (68). — P. 68-77.

 The article raises the issues of the use of special knowledge in operational investigative activities. Based on the analysis of the practice of operational-investigative activity are considered the goals of attracting professionals to conduct operational-investigative activities. Classification of application of special knowledge subjects in operational search activity is offered, their features are revealed. The definition of special knowledge in operational search activity is defined.

operational-investigative activity, operational-investigative activities, specialized knowledge of a competent person
Podkatilina M.L., Shamaev G.P.

Interrogation of an expert with the participation of a specialist as a representative of the party // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 4 (68). — P. 78-84.

 The article is devoted to the use of special knowledge by the parties to assess the conclusions and testimonies of the forensic expert. Various forms of the expert's participation in the court session, as well as interrogation of the expert are considered. The problems associated with the lack of a unified approach to interrogation of an expert and a specialist in court practice are indicated. On the basis of examples from practice, the most effective procedure for challenging the expert's conclusions containing serious methodological flaws is substantiated.

forensic science, interrogation of an expert, contesting an expert report
Kolokolov E.

Rules on the investigation of crimes. Part II. About the formal investigation Chapter III. About collecting evidence // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 4 (68). — P.85-96.

 Extract from the book of E. Kolokolov “Rules on the investigation of crimes”.

E. Kolokolov, history of criminal proceedings, evidence
Gorsky M.V.

The Round table "Forensic science (criminalistics) and the criminal process: yesterday, today, tomorrow"// Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 4 (68). — P.97-104.

 Overview of the Round table "Forensic science (criminalistics) and the criminal process: yesterday, today, tomorrow"

conference, review

The Round table "Tactics and methods of crime investigation: theory, practice, innovation" // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 4 (68). — P.105-107.

 Overview of the Round table "Tactics and methods of crime investigation: theory, practice, innovation"

conference, review

The Round table "Special knowledge as a tool to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities in legal proceedings" // Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 4 (68). — P.108-113.

Overview of the Round table "Special knowledge as a tool to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities in legal proceedings"

conference, review
Voinova А.

The International scientific-practical conference "Minsk forensic readings"// Bulletin of criminalistics. — 2018. — № 4 (68). — P.114-117.

 Overview of the International scientific-practical conference "Minsk forensic readings"

conference, review

Journal «Bulletin of Criminalistics»


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